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Announcements: Nitzavim/ Rosh Hashana- September 3-September 8

09/03/2021 12:17:37 PM


We remind all our members, their family and friends that anyone who is not vaccinated must wear a mask when entering the shul building.


5:00PM: Mincha at the Bier Shiva home, 15 Haller Road

7:08PM: Candle Lighting
7:15PM: Mincha/ Kabalat Shabbat

7:45AM: Shacharit in the Smilowitz Beit Midrash. 
After the Hashkomah Minyan, the Mishna Brura group will be in the Library and will be studying the laws of Brachot on foods.
8:30AM: Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Zwickler

9:00AM: Shacharit in the Main Sanctuary
9:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
9:41AM: Kriat Shema 
9:30AM: Shacharit in the Smilowitz Beit Midrash. 

5:45PM: Afternoon Shiur with Rabbi Zwickler "Making The Most of Rosh Hashana"
6:40PM: Sephardic Mincha
6:45PM: Mincha

7:57PM: Maariv in the Main Shul
8:07PM: Havdalah
10:00PM: Selichot 

6:35AM, 7:35AM, 8:35AM: Selichot
7:00AM, 8:00AM, 9:00AM: Shacharit 
7:00AM: Sephardic Selichot

8:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
Hilchot Tshuva with Joel Rich
7:05PM: Mincha
9:45PM: Maariv
10:00PM: Selichot

Erev Rosh Hashana / Labor Day 

5:30AM, 7:30AM, 8:15AM: Selichot
7:00AM, 9:00AM, 9:45AM: Shacharit
7:00AM: Sephardic Selichot
8:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
12:55PM: Chatzot
7:03PM: Candle Lighting

7:10PM: Mincha/ Maariv

Rosh Hashana

8:00AM: Shacharit
8:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit
10:15AM: Shofar
10:30AM: Musaf
6:05PM: 2nd Shofar
6:15PM: Mincha
6:35PM: Tashlich
7:15PM: Rabbi's Shiur
8:01PM: Candle Lighting

Rosh Hashana

8:00AM: Shacharit
8:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit
10:15AM: Shofar
10:30AM: Musaf
6:35PM: 2nd Shofar
6:45PM: Mincha
8:00PM: Havdalah
10:00PM: Selichot

September 2021 Calendar

Parking Lot Minyan
Please join the Parking lot Minyan Whatsapp Chat and express your interest in a parking lot minyan.


הבן יקיר לי אפרים אם ילד שעשעים

Rav Shlomo Franco zt”l points out that there is great significance as to why the Navi refers to the Jewish people in the above pasuk as a delightful child.  When a delightful child is dirty or messy with pieces of food or drink, we still see him or her as being adorable and do not hesitate hugging or kissing him or her even though they are dirty.  Most people however would be repulsed by a young adult who has left over crumbs or drink on their clothes, and would refrain from hugging and kissing them.  Despite the fact that we as individuals and as a people may seem to be soiled, Hashem views us as a child, and does not hesitate to engage with us lovingly, especially during this time of year.  yIt is for this reason that the Gemara chose to include this pasuk in the Zichronos  - “Remembrances” section of the Musaf of Rosh Hashana. May we all find favor in Hashem’s eyes and may He grant us a year of good health, simcha, growth, and hatzlacha.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

- Many members of our shul community have suffered serious damage to their property as a result of the storm last night. Thank you to everyone who has assisted others in the clean up effort today. If you are someone you know is in the need of financial help, please contact me as soon as possible. It is in times of stress such as today that we are reminded to lean on each other as an extended family and community for support.
- Please join me in welcoming Rabbi Asher Klein and Rabbi Dov Levine who will be assisting speaking at the various minyanim over Rosh Hashana.
-Thank you to our President Jaicky Tammam and to first VP Ilan Rosenrsrauch for all of their continued time and efforts for the shul.
- Thank you to Jason Munk, Mayer Reichman and the rest of the seating committee for another amazing job.  
-Thank you to Mitch Cohen, the ritual committee and all of the Baalei Tefilla who will be leading us over Yom Tov.  May Hashem accept our tefillos and continue to rain bracha on our community. 
-Thank you to Esther Schultz as always for all of her help in preparing for the Yamim Noraim.



  • Mazel Tov to Yonit & Howard Felderman on the Bar-Mitzvah of their son Ethan Felderman. Mazel Tov to siblings Danielle, Sean, Brandon, and Isabella. Mazel Tov to grandparents Ayala & Martin Simon and Molly & Joel Felderman. Mazel Tov to great-grandmother Bubby Sala.
  • Mazel Tov to Marcia & Jay Goldfischer on the marriage of their grandson Moshe Dov to Elanit Atkin in Israel this past Tuesday. Mazel Tov to parents, Debbie and Rabbi Barry Goldfischer and Yael and Joel Atkin and the entire families.


  • We extend our condolences on the passing of William Leonard Bell, beloved father of Harvey Bell. The private funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon. Shiva will take place at the Bell home, 9 Stanford Court, West Orange beginning Sunday at 6:00PM through Monday at 1:00PM. There will be a Mincha/ Maariv Minyan on Sunday at 7:05PM. 
  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Irene Bier, beloved mother of Paul Bier. Shiva has concluded. 
  • We mourn the loss of border policeman Sgt. Barel Shmueli, age 21, a resident of Beer Yaakov, who was killed on the Gaza border. Ha-Shem yikom damo.
  • We honor the memory of the following members of the armed forces and security forces of the United States who were recently killed in Iraq or Afghanistan: Navy Hospital Corpsman, Maxton W. Soviak, 22, Berlin Heights, Ohio; Marine Lance Corporal, Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, Norco, California; Marine Lance Corporal, David L. Espinoza, 20, Rio Bravo, Texas; Marine Lance Corporal, Rylee J. McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyoming; Marine Lance Corporal, Jared M. Schmitz, 20, St. Charles, Missouri; Marine Corporal, Hunter Lopez, 22, Indio, California; Marine Staff Sergeant, Darin T. Hoover Jr., 31, Salt Lake City, Utah; Marine Corporal, Daegan W.T. Page, 23, Omaha, Nebraska; Marine Sergeant, Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Marine Sergeant, Nicole L. Gee, 23, Sacramento, California; Marine Corporal, Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Indiana; Marine Lance Corporal, Dylan R. Merola, 20, Rancho Cucamonga, California; Army Staff Sergeant, Ryan C. Knauss, 23, Corryton, Tennessee. 



  • Welcome to Joe & Meital Nathan and family who moved to Garfield Avenue this week.


Holidays @ AABJ&D

  • Kibbudim: Kibbudim for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are now available.  To acquire an Aliya or Psicha please contact the gabbaim for each minyan listed below.  You can purchase a kibud for yourself or a friend in any of our minyanim, a Kibud is a great way to honor or thank a friend while raising money for the shul.  Main Shul - Larry Schiffman (, Freddy Langer (, Beit Midrash - Gary Eisenberg (, Bennett Degen (, Harold Fluss (, Parking Lot - Mitch Cohen (, Larry Schiffman (, Sephardim - Rabin Rozehzadeh (973-432-0327)
  • Additional Shofar Blowing: We recognize that not everyone will be able to attend a minyan to hear the shofar this Rosh Hashanah. In order to help the community fulfill this mitzvah, we will be offering additional shofar blowing at the shul on both days of Rosh Hashana as follows. Both days at the conclusion of davening in the parking lot. On the first day of Rosh Hashana at 6:05 in the parking lot. On the second day of Rosh Hashana at 6:35 in the parking lot. If you are unable to walk to shul to hear shofar blowing please complete this form, by September 3rd, for any needs that arise after that time please speak to one of the Rabbi's or Gabaaim. 
  • Yamim Noraim Holiday Seats: Click here to sign up for seat now. Main Shul, Beit Midrash, Sephardic Minyan: $225 (Members)  $275 (Non Members), Outdoors: $190 (Members)  $240 (Non Members). If you need assistance, contact Meyer at 201-715-8501 or Jason at 917-596-4483, call the office or email
  • Lulav and Etrog Sale: Place  your order today! Pick up will be on Motzei Shabbat, September 18 from 8:45-10:00PM. Click here for more info. Click here to order now. 
  • Sisterhood Sukkot Poster- Orders yours today! Adorn your sukkah with a beautiful poster. Click here for more info. Click here to order now. 
  • AABJ&D is the proud recipient of the MetroWest High Holiday Grant. Click here for more info. 


  • Shabbat Morning from 9:45-11:30AM: Shabbat Morning Groups Are Back! 
  • This Sunday, September 5 from 10:00AM- 12:00PM: Pre- Rosh Hashana Event: All kids ages K- 3rd Grade are invited to get ready for Rosh Hashana with Aleynu Cloth & Honey Jar Decorating in the tent in the Shul Parking lot.  Click here for more info. RSVP to
  • Sunday, September 12 from 10:00AM-12:00PM: Pre- Yom Kippur Relay Race Extravaganza- . Click here for more info. Click here to register. 



  • Teshuva Tidbits with Rabbi Sharbat-  Every day until Yom Kippur, Rabbi Sharbat will be sharing a short lesson on Teshuvah from the book “Orot Ha-Teshuvah” (Rav Kook) to help inspire and  prepare us for the Yamim Noraim.  Click here to join:
  • Sunday, September 5 at 10:00AM: Join Joel Rich as we learn Hilchot Tshuva. 
  • Tuesday Nights beginning October 5: Women's Israeli dance- Stay tuned for more details. 


  • Click here for Rabbi Zwickler's most recent WebDvar.


  • Nechama Price, our community Yoetzet Halacha, is available to answer  questions you may have regarding family purity, using the mikvah and more. She can be reached at or 201-888-6999. 
  • Visit our website at Update your profile information by logging in  from the upper right corner, and clicking on "My Account".  Update your contact information, family details, and yahrzeits. This information will enable us to provide you with communications and reminders that are most relevant to you.
  • Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27, and 130) and divrei chizuk each afternoon at 1:00PM.  The dial-in number is (773) 377-9170.​​​​​​
  • If you would like to sponsor a shiur, day of learning or week of learning please click here and include dedication information.
  • Click here to join the AABJ&D WhatsApp groups!  


  • Hatzalah of West Orange & Livingston is here!  We are thrilled to welcome this life-saving organization to our community. Please keep their phone number - 973-604-4000 - in a central location in your home and save it to your contacts in your mobile phones so it is easily accessible.  In addition, if you would like stickers with the phone number mailed to you, please email Click here for more info. 
  • The West Orange Mikvah will be open for fully vaccinated men on Erev Rosh Hashana and again on Erev Yom Kippur. We will be open by appointment only to avoid overcrowding and maintain social distancing. You may not use the mikvah without an appointment. Please make sure to come at your appointed time, so we can assure a safe experience for all users. To make an appointment for Rosh Hashana please click here.  Additionally, please bring your own towels with you. Payment is expected at your mikvah appointment. Please bring cash or check with you or you may pay on the website at the appointment. The cost for an appointment before RH is $36 for non-members. The cost for 2021 members is $25. 


  • The WO/Livingston Chesed Group is launching a project that will try to ease the financial burden on those community members who are unemployed/ underemployed. We are compiling a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their services (e.g. medical, legal, financial, IT, therapy, etc). If you are interested in joining this initiative, please fill out this form or reach out to any of us at
  • In an effort to assist individuals who are in need of job search support during this economic downturn, the Livingston and West Orange communities have revived the Jewish Job Network (JJN), including guidance in resume writing, interviewing, career counseling, networking, starting a new business, learning how to consult and job retraining.  If you are in need of assistance or if you are interested in volunteering, please go to JJN's website  If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to Fernand Schoppig -


  • Everyone is reminded that all non vaccinated people must be masked while indoors.  
  • Dr. Torin Rutner is conducting COVID testing and COVID antibody testing locally. If you would like to make an appointment, please call or text him at 973 568-4469. 



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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784