Congregation AABJ&D’s Youth Department plays a central role in our community. We are proud to offer extensive programming that fosters social interaction, Torah learning, chessed, and many hours of fun! Join us for weekly Shabbat groups, special holiday-related events, our "MishMash" Saturday Night parent-child learning program, challah baking, movie nights, Age-specific Shabbatons for elementary-school children, Friday night family dinners, trips and much more!
Shabbat morning groups serve children from toddlers-5th grade, beginning at 9:45 AM and concluding at 11:30 AM.
- Minyan Katan is open to children ages 2-5 and their parents and is run by teen youth leaders. The program includes davening, singing, story time and a special snack based on the parsha.
- Kindercong and the 1st grade group are run by teen leaders. The program includes free play, davening, parsha, and snack. The group closes with the singing of Adon Olam from the bima in the main sanctuary!
- The 2nd & 3rd grade girls group and the 2nd & 3rd grade boys group are run by teen leaders. The children enjoy davening, parsha Q&A, games, and snack.
- Junior Congregation is the place for girls and boys in 4th and 5th grade and is led by teen leaders with assistance from an adult volunteer. An invited guest opens with a short presentation on a topic of interest. In the past, the group has learned about the work of a mashgiach, how to recite the Shema in sign language, and what it’s like to sing in the Miami Boys Choir. The groups’ davening is structured so that new Shabbat tefillot are added at regular intervals and there is plenty of opportunity for singing and leading from the bima. Parsha questions and a special kiddush round out the morning.
Once a month, all groups enjoy a special Birthday Kiddush with ice cream!
We work together with our Shul’s inclusion committee to make sure that every child feels welcome at our programs. With advance notice, specially trained teen leaders are available to assist with transitions and foster a positive environment for all participants. To make a confidential inquiry about your child, please reach out to .
Afternoon Onegs for K-5th grades run on a monthly basis on Shabbat afternoon. Children are treated to an hour of thematic activities and games run by teen leaders.
During the winter months, MishMash takes center stage. This is a Motzei Shabbat parent-child program where participants study Torah, give divrei Torah and win prizes for taking active roles in learning.
Other limud opportunities with our communal leaders abound, including: Torah and Toast, a morning study session with the rabbis over breakfast, and our Bat Mitzvah Program, a session-based program run by the rebbetzins for girls in 6th grade.
Holiday Celebrations and craft activities are among the seasonal events that the youth department sponsors. Other special programs include: our famous Purim Carnival, which is open to the entire West Orange community, and Family Outings such as apple picking and Sky Zone. Chesed activities include: food packing with the Jewish Relief Agency and visits to the residents at Daughters of Israel nursing facility.
Teen Minyan serves students in 6th-12th grades on Shabbat morning. The minyan is run by the teens with the oversight of a college student. The participants take ownership over the minyan by serving as chazzanim, gabbaim, ba’alei kriah, and by giving divrei Torah in this relaxed setting. The minyan is followed by a “Cholent Kiddush'' just for teens at the youth house.
The Junior Teens program is for 6th-8th graders and is run Yoni Laub. Middle schoolers look forward to bi-monthly, Friday night Onegs at different homes, Shabbat afternoon programming, and Sunday funday events. Junior teens and their parents can sign up for the mailing list by writing to:
Shaindy & Dovid Saleman are our amazing youth directors. They can be reached at .
Fri, February 7 2025
9 Shevat 5785
Upcoming Youth Events
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 22 , 2025Youth Fundraiser
Shabbat, Feb 22nd 5:00p to 11:59p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 23 , 2025Youth Fundraiser
Sunday, Feb 23rd 12:00a to 11:59p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025Youth Department Presents: Purim Carnival
Sunday, Mar 9th 10:00a to 4:00p