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Announcements: Shabbat Mevarchim- Parshat Shmini- April 9-April 11

04/09/2021 12:27:45 PM


This weeks Shabbat announcements are sponsored by Dori & Rich Sobin on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Ikey Elstein this Shabbat in Hillside, NJ. 



5:00PM: Mincha in the Shul Parking Lot (no access to the building)
7:00PM/ 7:00PM: Candle Lighting/ Mincha in the Main Sul and Parking Lot
7:12: Candle Lighting

7:30 & 9:30 AM: Shacharit in the Shul 
8:30AM: In the Shul parking lot
9:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
9:42AM: Kriat Shema
5:30PM: Mincha in the Shul Parking Lot
6:15PM: Pirkei Avot Shiur with Rabbi Zwickler

7:05PM: Sephardic Mincha
7:10PM: Mincha in Main Shul 
Join Rabbi Zwickler for Torah In 20 in the Main Sanctuary between Mincha and Maariv. 

8:04PM: Maariv in the Main Shul and the Shul Parking Lot
8:14PM: Havdalah


The molad for Iyar will be Monday morning 47 minutes and 6 chalakim after 7 Jerusalem Solar Time 
Rosh cho-desh 'i-yor yih-yeh be-yom shei-ni u-v-vm ho-she-li-shi  hab-bo 'o-lei-nu ve-'al kol yis-ro-'eil le-to-voh.
 רֹאשׁ חֹדֶש אִייָר יִהְיֶה בְּיוֹם שֵׁנִי וּביום השְׁלִישִׁי  הַבָּא עָלֵֽינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל לְטוֹבָה


8:00AM: Shacharit
8:00AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
10:00AM: Hilchot Talmud Torah with Joel Rich

7:25PM: Mincha/Maariv

Visit to join a minyan in shul, at the parking lot, or in a backyard. 



One of the highlights of Pesach for Ashkenazim was being the recipient of birchas kohanim over Yom Tov.  Sephardim, as well as all in Eretz Yisrael, are fortunate to hear the bracha offered on a daily basis. The bracha is rooted in our Parsha, when Aharon instinctively blessed the Jewish people upon his inaugural service in the Mishkan.  The language of the bracha that is recited today is unique.  While all other brachos involve a formula that recognizes Hashem commandment of us to perform a given mitzvah, or praising Hashem for giving us a particular opportunity, the bracha recited by the Kohanim is different. It focuses on the hereditary sanctity placed in the Kohanim via their lineage sourcing from Aharon. The Ramban explains that the reason the bracha is unique in this way is because  Aharon blessed the people without being prompted or commanded to do so. Aharon’s bracha came from the very essence of his soul as a reaction to his emotion. When we offer our blessings or good tidings to others we should strive to do so from a place within us that is wholehearted and sincere. Good Shabbos!



  • Mazel Tov to Dori & Rich Sobin and Andy & Lenny Elstein on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Ikey Elstein this Shabbat in Hillside, NJ. Mazel Tov to parents Tami & Josh Elstein and to siblings Jacob, Nili, Shaya & Sari. Mazel Tov to great grandparents, Maurine & Larry Sobin. 
  • Mazel Tov to Lee & Stan Saal on the engagement of their grandson, Jake Saal, son of Jennifer and Matthew Saal to Debby Greenstein, daughter of Sandra & Ira Greenstein and neice of Andrea & Dr. Ronald Sutlan. 
  • Mazel Tov to Barbara & Yosef Muskin on the birth of a grandson in Yerushalayim. Mazel Tov to parents Dorit & Ariel Cohen and brother Ivri. Mazel Tov to aunts and uncles, Hani & Ariel Sterngold, and  Eliana & Oren Wintner, and to cousins.


  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Lea Gottesman, beloved mother of Doris Hartman. A private funeral was held today in Florida. Burial will take place in Israel on Monday. Shiva details to follow.


  • Click here for this weeks Parsha Sheets.
  • Save the Date: Lag Baomer Extravaganza joint event with Ohr Torah Youth Dept.
  • Join us in writing cards/letters EVERY FRIDAY to send to residents of Daughters of IsraelClick here for more information.



  • Sunday, April 11 at 10:00AM: Join Joel Rich as we continue our series of Zoom shiurim in which we study the first book of The Rambam’s Mishna Torah, Sefer Madda. We are currently studying the third chapter of Hilchot Talmud Torah. No prior background is required for this series and each session can be attended independently.  Click here to find an online version of Sefer Madda with English translation.
  • Monday, April 12 at 7:30PM: Women's Rosh Chodesh Shiur- All women are invited to join Rabbi Sharbat to learn insights and inspiration. Click here for more info.  
    on the book of Tehillim. This Shiur is sponsored by Sally & Steve Malech in memory of Doreen Jacob/ Devorah bat Shlomo. 
  • Tuesday, April 13 at 10:00AM: All women are invited to join Rabbi Zwickler for a text based Parshat Hashavuah Shiur. Click here for more info. 
  • Tuesday, April 13  at 8:00PM: Navi Shiur led by Rabbi Sharbat. Join us for a new series on the Book of Zecharya.  Click here for more info. Click here to join the Tanach WhatsApp for weekly shiur updates. 
  • Wednesday, April 14 at 8:00PM: The entire community is invited to join us for a special Yom Hazikaron & Yom Ha'atzmaut program. Click here for more info. 
  • Thursday, April 15 at 8:00PM: Join us for a Gemara Shiur on Mesechet Kiddushin led by Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler. Click here for more info.
  • Save the Date: Sunday, April 18 at 10:30AM: CCSA  presents "Someone I Know is Struggling with Substance Use, Now What?" The event will include a panel of Jewish leaders and professionals addressing the various obstacles, strategies, and options for getting someone help with a substance use issue or an addiction. Panelists include: Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski, Dr. Audrey Freshman, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, and Dr. Moshe Winograd. Collectively, they will address symptoms of an addiction, halachic concerns, communication strategies, and treatment options. Please join us. Pre-registration is available at:
  • Save the Date: Wednesday, April 28 at 8:15 PM for the next Women's Beit Midrash program. Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt, an acclaimed writer and former Life editor at the Forward will discuss “In Search Of Torah-True Journalism: An Orthodox Journalist On Halakhic and Ethical Challenges In Media Today.” The shiur is being sponsored by Dori and Rich Sobin on the occasion of the 10th yahrtzeit of their granddaughter Gabriella Sarah bat Kalman Zev and Chaya Elana; and Rachel and Avi Klein in memory of Rachel’s maternal grandparents, Sally and Al Feigen.  Zoom information:  Meeting ID: 834 0218 5538 Passcode: 587180.
  • Save the Date: May 2-5, 2021 for the Global Family Health and Halacha Virtual Conference, featuring Nechama Price, our community Yoetzet Halacha as well as and other Yoatzot, Rebbetzins, Rabbis, medical professionals, therapists, and wellness professionals. Topics will include: Raising children with healthy self-esteem and body image, healthy marital intimacy and relationship skills throughout a marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, infertility and infant loss, addiction and its impact on marriage, and more. For more information, including a complete list of lectures and speakers, and to register, visit There is no cost for this multi-day, virtual event.
  • Save the Date: Monday, May 24 at 8:30PM: General Membership Meeting





  • Camp Shemesh: Registration is open! Registration forms can be found at is limited so sign up today. Early bird deadline is April 19th. For more information please reach out to
  • Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School: Registration is open! Registration forms can be found at Space is limited so sign up today.  For more information please reach out to
  • Visit our new website at Update your profile information by logging in  from the upper right corner, and clicking on "My Account".  Update your contact information, family details, and yahrzeits. This information will enable us to provide you with communications and reminders that are most relevant to you.
  • Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27, and 130) and divrei chizuk each afternoon at 1:00PM.  The dial-in number is (773) 377-9170.​​​​​​
  • If you would like to sponsor a shiur, day of learning or week of learning please click here and include dedication information.
  • Join our WhatsApp groups!  Click here for a list of available groups.



  • The WO/Livingston Chesed Group is launching a project that will try to ease the financial burden on those community members who are unemployed/ underemployed. We are compiling a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their services (e.g. medical, legal, financial, IT, therapy, etc). If you are interested in joining this initiative, please fill out this form or reach out to any of us at
  • In an effort to assist individuals who are in need of job search support during this economic downturn, the Livingston and West Orange communities have revived the Jewish Job Network (JJN), including guidance in resume writing, interviewing, career counseling, networking, starting a new business, learning how to consult and job retraining.  If you are in need of assistance or if you are interested in volunteering, please go to JJN's website  If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to Fernand Schoppig -



  • All members, guests, and faculty must wear masks that fully cover the nose and mouth at all times while on shul property—both during and after davening.  Masks may not be removed, even to cough, sneeze or blow your nose. This is absolutely mandatory both inside and outside the building, including the parking lot and common areas.
  • In order to help ensure the health and safety of our community, we want to remind everyone of the critical importance of adhering to the calls for social distancing, including play dates or any innocuous get togethers.
  • Dr. Torin Rutner is conducting COVID testing and COVID antibody testing locally. If you would like to make an appointment, please call or text him at 973 568-4469. 



To view and print the announcements go to the share button at the top and then hit print. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784