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Announcements: Shabbat Hazon, Devarim: July 24 - July 26 (Av 3 Av 5)


5:00PM: Early Mincha in the Pizem backyard, 16 Coolidge Avenue and NOT in the Shul parking lot. 
The backyard is large enough to accommodate people and no sign up is needed.
7:00PM: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv in the Shul and in the Shul parking lot
7:00PM: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv for backyard minyanim or 8:05PM for those that are davening b'zman (please check the time with your specific minyan)
8:01PM: Candle Lighting

7:30 & 9:30 AM: Shacharit in the Shul 
8:30AM: Shacharit in the Shul parking lot
9:00AM: Sephardic  Shacharit in the Shul 
9:25AM: Krias Shema
6:00PM: Mincha in the Shul 

8:57PM: Maariv 
9:07PM: Havdalah

8:00AM: Shacharit
10:00AM: Join Joel Rich for a special topic on "Rambam Sefer Madda Zoom Shiur Sunday- What Makes a Chassid (Per the Rambam)?" For the source sheet please email Joel Rich at

8:05PM: Mincha/Maariv

Visit to join a minyan in shul, at the parking lot, or in a backyard. 


A number of years ago I attended a speech by Prime Minister Netanyahu in Manhattan. He told a story of the time he visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l, upon being appointed as the Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations. The Rebbe said to the young Ambassador that he was embarking on a venture where he was to be stationed in a very dark building. He told him that when one lights a simple candle in a very dark room, that single candle has the ability to allow many in the room to see. The Rebbe urged the then Ambassador that his task was to light the candle and brighten the room.This Shabbos is called Shabbos Chazon, based on the first word of the Haftorah, which means vision. While we find ourselves in the heavy darkness of the “Nine Days” period, when Shabbos enters it instantly brightens the dark room. We are urged to take the vision of Shabbos, the constant and reliable light in our busy lives and use it to invigorate our souls. May we internalize and apply this idea to Shabbos Chazon and all Shabbasos in the future.

- Since one of the prohibitions of the "Nine Days" is drinking wine (except on Shabbos), the question arises as to how Havdalah should be made at the conclusion of Shabbos. Sephardic custom is that the person making Havdalah drinks the wine. Ashkenazic practice is to have a young child between the ages of 6-9 drink the wine. If such a child is not available, one should drink the wine himself. Alternatively, one may make Havdalah on beer.



  • Mazel Tov to Debra & Aaron Bassan on the birth of a granddaughter, Nili Hodaya. Mazel Tov to parents Leah & Dvir Wechsler and grandparents Shira & Nafty Wechsler. Mazel Tov to great grandparents Pearl Bassan, Moshe Handler, Cecile & Abe Wechsler, Malka Robbins and the entire Bassan and Wechsler families.


  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Rubin Pizem, beloved husband of Judy Pizem and father of Sophie and Chaim. Shiva will take place through Sunday morning. The family can be reached at 973-731-8989. To sign up for shiva minyan please click here.  To sign up for a shiva visit click here.
  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Seymour Braverman, beloved father of Roger Braverman. Roger will be sitting shiva beginning late Wednesday afternoon.  Zoom for Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday: 11 AM until 12 noon, and from 3 PM to 4 PM. Meeting ID: 858 0882 3350. Passcode: braverman. Weather permitting, minyanim in the morning will be at 7:30 am in the backyard of 22 Lakeview Drive, West Orange, NJ and Mincha/Maariv, 8:10PM will be in Roger's backyard, 16 Lakeview Drive. In person, backyard, evening Shiva calls by appointment only, please call or email to schedule. Please wear a mask and observe social distancing for all minyanim and visits.
  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Jerry Parker, beloved brother of Elaine Sherman. Mrs. Sherman will be sitting shiva beginning tomorrow by phone only,  for the duration of the shiva until Monday morning. The family requests no in -person shiva visits please. She can be reached at 973-736-5980.


  • Sunday, July 26 all day: Join hundreds of thousands of fellow Jews around the world *this* Sunday for a special Vayichan Avahat Yisrael program. Listen to divrei torah and other classes and shiurim addressing Ahavat Yisrael, love for our fellow Jew, a theme so crucial during this time of year. The program, organized by Yeshivat Hakotel and sponsored by Congregation AABJ&D, the Orthodox Union and shuls and organizations around the world, is a unique chance to hear inspiring and illuminating thoughts from our generation's gedolim, top scholars, Jewish leaders and others. (Each shiur is a click box to that session and will be activated before it begins). A truly special event and a wonderful way to prepare for Tisha B'av.  Click here for complete schedule. 
  • Sunday, July 26 at 8:00PM: The Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School Fundraiser: Israeli Cooking Series. Join us for a cooking series led by the Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School teachers, and learn how to create Israeli specialties. $15 per class or $30 per series- You will receive the recipes, access to the zoom class, and the class recordings.  Sponsorship opportunities available. Click here for more info. Click here to sign up now. 
  • Monday, July 27 at 8:45PM: Join Rabbi Zwickler for the third and final class of a three week series on  "Three Weeks Of Mourning And Hope"-  Perspectives on History, Nationhood, and The Future of the Jewish People.  Click here for more info. 
  • Tuesday, July 28 at 10:00AM: Women's Parshat Hashavuah with Rabbi Zwickler. Click here for more info. 
  • Sunday, August 2 from 9:00AM-1:00PM: Save the date! Blood Drive at AABJ&D. Urgent need for Blood! Make an appointment today: Due to covid-19 restrictions donations are by appointment only. No walk-ins. All donors must wear masks. Click here for more info. 


  • High Holidays 2020- Your Response Is Requested: Please complete the seats request form at this link and submit payment for seats by Monday, Aug 3. All seats will be sold at one price of $135 each this year, after August 3 the seats will be going up to $165 per seat. Should plans or needs change, we will offer full refunds until Sept 1st.
  • The Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School at Congregation AABJ&D is looking for people to work in our extended day program from 7:30AM-9:00AM on Monday-Friday and from 3:00PM-6:00PM on Monday-Thursday starting Tuesday, September 1st. College students are welcome to apply. If interested please email Aliza Maslanksy at
  • By popular demand, the monthly Women's Beit Midrash lecture series is expected to return this fall. Feel free to send speaker suggestions. In addition, women interested in Chavruta-style learning should contact Cheryl Munk at  to be connected with other women interested in this type of learning.
  • Sisterhood Flower FundraiserAABJ&D presents BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS by Barry Geiger of Midtown Florist. Purchase for yourself, as a gift, for Shabbos, a simcha, or refuah. Donate any amount (on the bottom of the form) towards bouquets to be delivered to our local nursing homes. Order deadline for Shabbat delivery is Wednesday at 8:00PM. For more info click here. To sign up click hereNow Offering! Buy 12 arrangements (counting retroactively from Shavuot and going forward), and receive a $36 bouquet for free! If interested please contact Barry at
  • If you would like to make an appointment, please call or text him at 973 568-4469. Dr. Torin Rutner is conducting COVID testing and COVID antibody testing locally.
  • If you would like to sponsor a shiur, day of learning or week of learning please click here and include dedication information.


  • For parsha sheets click here.  
  • Youth: Pay It Forward Challenge: The AABJ&D and Ohr Torah youth departments are excited to be a part of Pay It Forward Challenge! The Pay it Forward Challenge is a joint Chessed initiative amongst shuls from all over the world! Our goal is to get over 1,000 acts of Chessed done over the 3 weeks! Do a small or a large act of Chessed and fill out this form:  to let us know what you did! The Shul with the most chessed submissions wins! Click here for more info. 
  • Join us in writing cards/letters EVERY FRIDAY to send to residents of Daughters of Israel. Click here for more information.




  • As the financial crisis deepens, the WO/Livingston Chesed Group is in the preliminary stages of launching an ambitious project that will try to ease the financial burden on those community members who are unemployed/
    underemployed. As we are blessed with many talented professionals in our community, we are compiling a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their services (e.g. medical, legal, financial, IT, therapy, etc). There will be a coordinator for each service, who will act as a liaison for the service and the individual requesting it. If you are interested in joining this initiative, please fill out this form or reach out to any of us at WOLivGives@gmail.comwith your name, contact information and the service you could provide pro-bono. 
  • In an effort to assist individuals who are in need of job search support during this economic downturn, the Livingston and West Orange communities have revived the Jewish Job Network (JJN).  JJN is an informal volunteer organization serving the Jewish community in our local area.  The support includes guidance in resume writing, interviewing, career counseling, networking (including LinkedIn), starting a new business, learning how to consult and job retraining.  If you are in need of assistance or if you are interested in volunteering, please go to JJN's website http://jewishjobnetwork.comThe volunteers we seek are people with knowledge/experience in the above areas, including those with contacts in their respective fields who will be able to connect job seekers for industry or position specific advice and potential job placement. We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to Fernand Schoppig -  We hope we can help those in need.



  • Check out all of the virtual happenings, including davening and online learning, at
  • Social Distancing: In order to help ensure the health and safety of our community, we want to remind everyone of the critical importance of adhering to the calls for social distancing, including play dates or any innocuous get togethers.
  • Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27, and 130) and divrei chizuk each afternoon at 1:00PM.  The dial-in number is (773) 377-9170.
  • Join our WhatsApp groups!  Click here for a list of available groups.


To view and print the announcements go to the share button at the top and then hit print. 

Fri, May 17 2024 9 Iyyar 5784