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Announcements: Parshat Korach: June 26 - June 28 (Tammuz 4 - Tammuz 6)

Friday (AABJ&D Zoom Room)
7:00PM:  Zoom Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat live from the Dockery Backyard Minyan (weather permitting)
7:00PM: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv for backyard minyanim or 8:20PM for those that are davening b'zman (please check the time with your specific minyan)
8:14PM:  Candle Lighting

9:13AM: Krias Shema
6:00PM: Mincha
9:14PM: Maariv
9:24PM: Havdalah


Sunday (AABJ&D Zoom Room)
8:00AM:  Shacharit
10:00AM:  Join Joel Rich as we continue our series of Zoom shiurim in which we study the first book of The Rambam’s Mishna Torah, Sefer Madda, 
click here for more info. Click here for source sheet.
8:20PM:  Mincha/Maariv


During the rebellion of Korach the Torah informs us that Moshe summoned Dasan and Aviram to speak with him.  We are told that they refused to come.  Rav Bonim of Pshischa zt”l suggests that it was for this reason that Moshe did not succeed in de-escalating the rebellion of Korach and his followers.  Rav Bonim suggests that had Moshe gone personally to Dasan and Aviram, as opposed to sending an intermediary, he would have been able to make peace.  There are times when we are faced with conflict and seek to resolve our differences by asking a third person to become involved, in order to procure an amicable resolution.  There are other times however when the existence of a middle person within the conflict causes one of the party’s to distance themselves even further. The important lesson we derive from this idea is that when in the midst of conflict we have to extend ourselves in all directions for the sake of peace.

-This week we begin the return to our Shul for the first time since March 12th.  It is a very powerful emotional and spiritual moment.  It is my hope that as we return, we are able to rekindle and recommit to an appreciation of the kedusha of our Shul and our davening.  We have a wonderful opportunity to make changes to our own behavior and commitment to Shul and tefilla.  For example, during the week let us consider shutting off our phones before davening begins.  It is disrespectful to check our texts, email, or surf the web during the repetition of Shemonah Esrai, or any other time during davening.  I would like to also encourage all of us to reconsider how we speak and when we speak in Shul. Certain language and topics are inappropriate to be used in the shul altogether, let alone during davening.  As we return, may Hashem find favor in our renewed love for the Kedusha of our Shul and beauty of our Tefilla that we have missed so dearly.  May we continue to grow spiritually through our Tefilla, the foundation of our institution and our community.  

To sign up for Minyanim in the Shul or to view all of the guidelines please click here



  • Sunday, June 28: “Overtime” Sports Equipment & Bike Giveaway-  All donations support the West Orange/ Livingston Chesed. Drop off between 9:15-10:30 AM, Pick-up between 11:30 AM-2:30 PM. If assistance is needed, please contact one of the coordinators. Alisha Blugrind 917 286-2594; Nina Suleymanov at 917 862-18289, or Barbara Muskin at 201 618-8578.
  • Monday, June 29 at 8:00PM: Join us for a community wide event with Arnold Roth from Jerusalem "Bringing My Child's Killer To Justice"  
  • Tuesday, June 30 at 10:00AM: Women's Parshat Hashavuah with Rabbi Zwickler. Click here for more info. 
  • Tuesday, June 30 at 7:30PM: Navi Shiur with Rabbi Sharbat. Click here for more info. 
  • Tuesday, June 30 at 8:15PM: Join us for an Evening of Gratitude. In lieu of the annual dinner, the Shul launched a Gratitude Campaign. Please take this opportunity to support the shul while showing Hakarat Hatov. Click here for more details.  Click here to place an ad in the Gratitude Journal.  
  • Wednesday, July 1 at 8:45PM: "Korban HaOmer, Shtei Halechem and Yashan Flour:  Do we have the obligation to keep Yashan nowadays?" given by Rav Schachter. This Shiur is sponsored by Saul & Sherry Zimmerman. 
  • Thursday, July 2 at 7:30PM: Gemara Shiur, Kiddushin with Rabbi Zwickler. Click here for more info.  Please note the new time. 



  • Attention All Graduates!!! Join us in celebrating all of our graduates and their accomplishments. Sign up your graduate to receive a special delivery.  Click here for more information.  Click here to sign up now.   
  • Israel experience contest- Deadline Is This Sunday, June 28th!
    Send in a picture of a place in Yerushalayim, that was most meaningful for you, and your family, with a short paragraph on why you chose that picture and what the place meant to you. Maximum 2 entries per person. 
    There are 2 categories: 1. contestants 5-16 years old (children; teens) 2. contestants 16 -99 years old. 
    The panel of judges will decide on the winner in each category.  Please send all entries to: There is still sufficient time for you to sort through your trip pictures, your family pictures, and pick one or two. Don't miss out. Great prizes.  
  • Sisterhood Flower FundraiserAABJ&D presents BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS by Barry Geiger of Midtown Florist. Purchase for yourself, as a gift, for Shabbos, a simcha, or refuah. Donate any amount (on the bottom of the form) towards bouquets to be delivered to our local nursing homes. Order deadline for Shabbat delivery is Wednesday at 8:00PM. For more info click here. To sign up click here
  • Don’t forget to sign up for FREE weekly meals through the Kosher Meal program for children ages 1-18, available to ALL families in the entire Greater MetroWest community!!
    Many families are already taking advantage of this great program.
    Please sign up - the more families that take part in this program will enable it to keep going.
    Families can pair up and pick up for up to 2-3 families at a time.

    Please sign up today!
  • Dr Torin Rutner is conducting COVID testing and COVID antibody testing locally. If you would like to make an appointment, please call or text him at 973 568-4469.



  • For parsha sheets click here
  • Join us in writing cards/letters EVERY FRIDAY to send to residents of Daughters of Israel. Click here for more information.



  • To enjoy Rabbi Zwickler's Weekly WebDvar click here


  • If you would like to sponsor a shiur, day of learning or week of learning please click here and include dedication information.
  • As the financial crisis deepens, the WO/Livingston Chesed Group is in the preliminary stages of launching an ambitious project that will try to ease the financial burden on those community members who are unemployed/underemployed. As we are blessed with many talented professionals in our community, we are compiling a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their services (e.g. medical, legal, financial, IT, therapy, etc). There will be a coordinator for each service, who will act as a liaison for the service and the individual requesting it. If you are interested in joining this initiative, please fill out this form or reach out to any of us at, with your name, contact information and the service you could provide pro-bono. 
  • In an effort to assist individuals who are in need of job search support during this economic downturn, the Livingston and West Orange communities have revived the Jewish Job Network (JJN).  JJN is an informal volunteer organization serving the Jewish community in our local area.  The support includes guidance in resume writing, interviewing, career counseling, networking (including LinkedIn), starting a new business, learning how to consult and job retraining.  If you are in need of assistance or if you are interested in volunteering, please go to JJN's website The volunteers we seek are people with knowledge/experience in the above areas, including those with contacts in their respective fields who will be able to connect job seekers for industry or position specific advice and potential job placement. We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to Fernand Schoppig  -  We hope we can help those in need.


  • Check out all of the virtual happenings, including davening and online learning, at
  • Social Distancing: In order to help ensure the health and safety of our community, we want to remind everyone of the critical importance of adhering to the calls for social distancing, including play dates or any innocuous get togethers.
  • Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27, and 130) and divrei chizuk each afternoon at 1:00PM.  The dial-in number is (773) 377-9170.
  • Join our WhatsApp groups!  Click here for a list of available groups.



To view and print the announcements go to Click the share button at the top and then hit print. 

Sat, June 1 2024 24 Iyyar 5784