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Announcements: SHABBAT MEVARCHIM | PARASHAT BEREISHIT | 25 Tishrei - 26 Tishrei

10/01/2021 12:25:13 PM


We remind all our members, their family and friends that anyone who is not vaccinated must wear a mask when entering the shul building.

The announcements for the month of October are sponsored by Karla Gross and family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of her beloved husband, Larry Gross, Yehuda Aryeh ben Yehoshua, z”l on the 7th of Cheshvan.


Friday Night
6:21 PM: Candle Lighting
6:20 PM: Mincha in the Sephardic Shul
6:25 PM: Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat (Main Shul and Parking Lot)

7:30 AM: Hashkama in the Smilowitz Beit Midrash
Following the Hashkama Minyan, the Mishna Berura Chabura will meet in the Library to continue studying the laws of Brachot on foods.
8:30 AM: Shiur on Parashat HaShavua with Rabbi Zwickler
9:00 AM: Shacharit in the Main Shul and Parking Lot
9:00 AM: Shacharit in the Sephardic Shul 
9:30 AM: Shacharit in the Smilowitz Beit Midrash
9:50 AM: Sof Zman Kriat Shema 

Shabbat Morning Youth Groups: 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM! 

Kiddush this week is jointly sponsored by Sisterhood and Men’s Club in honor of Shabbat Mevarchim
Kiddush sponsorships are available for upcoming weeks. We need your support to ensure our legendary kiddush can continue every week. Please contact the Shul office to sponsor.

5:20 PM: Afternoon Shiur with Rabbi Zwickler “Insights into Breishis”
5:55 PM: Mincha in the Sephardic Shul
6:00 PM: Mincha in the Main Shul and Parking Lot

Motzaei Shabbat
7:09 PM: Ma’ariv/Arvit in the Main Shul and Sephardic Shul
The Parking Lot Maariv minyan Motzaei Shabbat will be held at the Roth Shiva home at 33 Carteret Street.
7:19 PM: Havdalah

7:00 AM 8:00AM 9:00 AM Shacharit in the Smilowitz Beit Midrash. 
7:45 AM: Daf Yomi with Rabbi Stone
8:00 AM: Sephardic Shacharit 
6:20 PM: Mincha
9:45 PM: Late Maariv

Outdoor Minyan

The outdoor minyan will meet in the tents in the parking lot every shabbat. Please sign up here to ensure this is a minyan. Please join the Parking lot Minyan Whatsapp Chat for updates and information, or to volunteer to help, daven, or lain.

Click here to view the October Calendar (complete calendar coming soon)


Shortly after Hashem created Adaam Harishon the Torah tells us that Hashem expressed that it is not good for a person to be alone.  The result of this conclusion was Hashem deciding  to create a partner for Adaam as an “Ezer Kinegdo”.  The two words describing this spouse seem contradictory.  Ezer means to assist while Kinegdo means to oppose. Rashi explains that if a man is worthy, his wife will be a support to him, yet if he is not worthy his wife will oppose him.  The Saba MiNavardok zt”l expounds on this Rashi and shares an incredible insight to life in general.  He explains that there are people in life who turn those who are trying to help them, against them.  At the same time there are other people in life who are successful in turning those who are against them, in their favor. May we pursue the latter and avoid the former in all of our interpersonal relationships. As we begin the Torah anew, we continue to recognize that so many of the Torah’s lessons are life sustaining and changing for us on a regular basis.  It is only if we are constantly thirsty to learn Torah that our souls can be quenched and hydrated with the amazing, practical and sustainable insights of our holy Toras Chaim.  May this year bring tremendous growth in Torah for us as individuals, for our families, and for our community.

Good Shabbos!

Click here to view Rabbi Zwickler’s WebDvar on Parashat Bereishit


  • Mazal Tov to Miriam & Alex Finkelstein on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Beth & Josh Kalter, and Debbie & Rich Finkelstein. A special Mazal Tov to the great grandmothers, Fran Grauer and Diane  Kalter; and to older siblings Tzvi Hirsch and Shayna.
  • Mazal Tov to Yaffa and Larry Liebman on the birth of a grandson.  Mazal Tov to their children Sheri and Ariel Rotenberg.  Mazal Tov to great grandmother Pearl Kronenberg Shafier and Grandma Barbara Rotenberg.  Mazal Tov to big brothers Nathan and Jack.  Mazal Tov to Uncle Mitch and Aunt Atara and Uncle Jon and Aunt Rachel.  Mazal Tov to the entire Liebman/Rotenberg families.
  • Mazal Tov to Tova and Howard Weiser, on being honored at the 30th Anniversary Virtual Gala of Gift of Life Marrow Registry on Wednesday evening, October 6th.
  • Mazal Tov to our Simchat Torah Chatanim. 
    • Hashkahama: Chaim Goldman (Chatan Torah) Ben Klibinoff (Chatan Bereshit), Bruce Buechler (Kol HaNearim).
    • Main Shul: Akiva Gordon (Chatan Torah), Ronnie Sultan (Chatan Bereshit), Bruce Shoulson (Kol Hanearim). 
    • Sephardic Shul: Rabbi Yosef Sharbat (Chatan Torah), Rabin Rozehzadeh (Chatan Bereshit), Eldar Ben Zikry (Kol Hanearim).


  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Larry Sobin, beloved father of Rich Sobin. Shiva will be observed at the Sobin home at 64 Carteret Street outside on the deck, through Tuesday morning (10/5).  
  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Murray Sternberg, beloved husband of Phyllis Novick (mother of Robin Amster).  The shiva schedule for Phyllis Novick (sitting at the Amster home, 16 Dale Drive) is as follows: Friday, 10/1 from 1- 4:30PM; Saturday: 8 - 10PM; Sunday - Tuesday: 1-5PM, 6:15 - 9:00PM. Mincha at 6:20PM.
  • We extend our condolences on the passing of Danya Roth, beloved daughter of Phyllis and Moshe Roth, sister of Talia and Margo, and granddaughter of Mrs. Leah Roth. Shiva will take place at the Roth home, 33 Carteret Street, until Thursday morning. 

Please help make a Shiva Minyan - There are 3 Shiva Minyanim taking place next week. In order to ensure that all Shiva Minyanim are covered, please sign up using this google doc:


As we part ways with the Yom Tov season, we take a moment to recognize and say Thank You for the contribution of the many individuals who made this Yom Tov successful. Thank you to Rabbi Zwickler and Rabbi Sharbat, as well as Rabbi Levine and Rabbi Klein who joined us for the Yamim No’raim. Thank you to Mitch Cohen, Larry Schiffman, Freddy Langer, Andrew Yolin, Ben Klibanoff, and Gary Eisenberg for coordinating a beautiful and meaningful Yom Tov davening. Thank you to Rabin Rozehzadeh, Gabbai of the Sephardic Minyan. Thank you to all of the Baalei Keriya and Baalei Tefilah. Thank you to our Youth Directors, Dovid and Shaindy Saleman for leading a full complement of fun and educational Yom Tov programming. Thank you to everyone who helped on Simchat Torah, arranging the parking lot, laining, and davening. Thank you to Chaim Goldman, Howie Felderman and crew for the annual Men’s Club BBQ kiddush lunch. Thank you to our sponsors, Daniella & Steven Esses and Esti & Jason Buskin.


  • Shabbat Morning Groups 9:45-11:30AM! 
  • Minyan Katan (Ages 3 - Pre-K) and Teen Minyan (6th-12th grade) will return soon after the Chagim! Sponsors and Volunteers are needed for both of these programs. Stay tuned for more information as well as sign up forms to get involved. 
  • Teens interested in Teen Minyan please contact to be added to the Teen Minyan Whatsapp group  
  • Save the date! October 10th, trip to Turtle Back Zoo in honor of Parashat Noach. Stay tuned for details!


  • Sunday, October 3rd at 10:00AM: Join Joel Rich in the AABJ&D Zoom Room as we study the first book of The Rambam’s Mishna Torah, Sefer Madda, Hilchot Tshuva. No prior background is required for this series and each session can be attended independently.   Click here to find an online version of Sefer Madda with English translation.
  • Monday, October 4th at 8:00PM: Rosh Chodesh Shiur, given by Rabbi Yosef Sharbat. Come learn insights and inspiration on the book of Tehillim.  This Shiur is sponsored by Barbara Rich, in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of her father,  Reuven ben Eliezer Yonason (Reuben Hecht). Click here for more information. 
  • Tuesday, October 5th at 10:00AM: All women are invited to join Rabbi Zwickler for a text based Parashat Hashavuah Shiur. Click here for more information. 
  • Thursday, October 7th at 8:00PM: Join us for a Gemara Shiur led by Rabbi Zwickler. Click here for more information.
  • Save the Date! Tuesday, October 12th at 8:00PM: Join Rabbi Sharbat for a 6 week series on Sefer Nechemia, Tuesdays at 8PM. 


  • Please join Sunday morning after the 8:00AM minyan to help take down the Shul Sukkah.
  • Tuesday Nights beginning October 5th at 7:30PM: Women's Israeli Dance! $10 per week. Please contact Deb Buechler or Elyse Litt with any questions.
  • Save The Date! October 27th at 8:00PM: Nechama Price, our community Yoetzet Halacha and Director of Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program for Advanced 


  • There’s still time to contribute to the annual AABJ&D Kol Nidrei Appeal ! We thank all who have already pledged and made payment. We are hoping for 100% participation. Proceeds from the appeal support AABJ&D services, special programs, security and maintenance costs, etc. With your help, our shul will continue to grow and serve our members in the year ahead!
  • Fulfill your Yizkor pledge! Yizkor was recited on Shemini Atzeret, September 28, 2021. It is customary to pledge Tzedakah in memory of our departed loved ones. Please click here to fulfill your Yizkor pledge and contribute to our Yizkor campaign by selecting "Yizkor" in the donation dropdown. May the memories of our loved ones be a blessing upon us.
  • Nechama Price, our community Yoetzet Halacha, is available to answer  questions you may have regarding family purity, using the mikvah and more. She can be reached at or 201-888-6999. 
  • Visit our website at Update your profile information by logging in  from the upper right corner, and clicking on "My Account".  Update your contact information, family details, and yahrzeits. This information will enable us to provide you with communications and reminders that are most relevant to you.
  • Please join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27, and 130) and divrei chizuk each afternoon at 1:00PM.  The dial-in number is (773) 377-9170.​​​​​​
  • If you would like to sponsor a shiur, day of learning or week of learning please click here and include dedication information.
  • Click here to join the AABJ&D WhatsApp groups!  


  • Hatzalah of West Orange & Livingston is here!  We are thrilled to welcome this life-saving organization to our community. Please keep their phone number - 973-604-4000 - in a central location in your home and save it to your contacts in your mobile phones so it is easily accessible. In addition, if you would like stickers with the phone number mailed to you, please email Click here for more info. 

  • The WO/Livingston Chesed Group is launching a project that will try to ease the financial burden on those community members who are unemployed/ underemployed. We are compiling a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their services (e.g. medical, legal, financial, IT, therapy, etc). If you are interested in joining this initiative, please fill out this form or reach out to any of us at 

  • In an effort to assist individuals who are in need of job search support during this economic downturn, the Livingston and West Orange communities have revived the Jewish Job Network (JJN), including guidance in resume writing, interviewing, career counseling, networking, starting a new business, learning how to consult and job retraining.  If you are in need of assistance or if you are interested in volunteering, please go to JJN's website  If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to Fernand Schoppig -


To view and print the announcements go to the share button at the top and then hit print. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784